What are the different types of awnings?

Outrigger manufactures custom designed sails and awnings as either fixed, demountable or retracting for almost any outdoor application. They can be made from a rainproof fabric to create an outdoor room, or from a premium grade shade fabric to block out heat, U.V, and glare, whilst maximising airflow to keep cool.

All awnings and sails are custom designed and manufactured to suit each customer’s particular requirements. Outrigger also manufactures sails and awnings for commercial applications. Signage can be printed onto our fabric awnings. They can be made to almost any size and shape, and with Outrigger’s robotic plotter and custom software, complex three-dimensional shapes can be accurately manufactured.

For all applications, Outrigger only uses premium grade fabrics with a 5 year, manufacturer backed warranty. All fixtures and fittings are of the highest quality ensuring a durable and stylish design that is tailor made for each customer.

Batten Awnings:
A batten awning houses aluminium tubes (i.e. battens) sewn into fabric pockets. These battens can be straight or curved to generate a gentle curved appearance. The curve increases the height under the awning to provide a light, airy feel. The battens may run either across the awning (parallel) or in line with the awning (perpendicular). They eliminate flapping and increase awning stability in high winds.

Batten awnings, along with all of Outriggers fixed awnings and sails, are wind rated structures and are designed and manufactured to withstand winds up to 140kph. A single batten awning has no limit to its length (perpendicular to the battens), whilst the width is generally limited to 10m before another awning is required

Outrigger Sails:
An Outrigger Sail can be manufactured to almost any size and shape and may be fixed or retracting. They can be manufactured from rainproof or shade material. They are typically manufactured with a tri-radial fabric cut–out pattern. This typically divides a three-sided shape into 12 triangular panels, and a four-sided shape into 16 triangular panels.

The advantage of a tri-radial fabric pattern is that it aligns the fabric thread lines with the tension applied at each corner. This maximises the strength of the sail and minimises stretch and distortion. A tri-radial cut sail will not sag over time.

Retracting Awnings:
Outrigger’s retracting awning is a heavy-duty awning designed and manufactured to withstand winds of up to 100km/h. They can be manufactured using waterproof PVC or premium grade shade fabrics.

As all Outrigger awnings, they are custom designed and can be made any size, although greater than 6m x 6m would be considered large. These awnings normally require posts to be installed to tension the fabric, however we can make retracting awnings with arms if the projection is less than 2.8 metres (see below for more information). An awning of up to 5-6m width would require two posts. Awnings greater than 6m wide generally require a third, centre post. The fabric roller runs on machined nylon bearings. The fabric runs out along stainless steel cables these cables (usually two per awning) are attached between the structure that the awning is attached to and to the top of each tension post. The awnings are either operated manually by tensioning the fabric using a stainless steel yachting winch or, automatically with a remote control electric motor fitted inside the fabric roller.

Retracting Awnings with Arms:
An Outrigger Retracting Awning with Arms is a lightweight wall mounted structure with either rigid or pivoting aluminium arms that fold vertically flat against the wall. They are exceptionally robust and can be left out in high winds and heavy rain. Any of our fabrics can be used.

Pergola Awnings:
Outrigger manufactures sails, batten awnings, and retracting awnings specifically designed to be mounted on top or underneath existing pergolas. These awnings can be rainproof or for shade only. They are custom designed so that they can be tailored to suit any shape or size pergola. The most popular awning for pergolas is the batten awning. Using the waterproof PVC, it transforms an existing pergola into an all weather outdoor area. Outrigger fabrics reflect heat, so this will keep the area cool in the summer months, whilst retracting clear PVC screens (see Roll-up Side Screens) can also easily be added to keep warmth in for the winter.

Carport Awnings:
Most styles of awnings can be specifically designed as carports. These awnings can be rainproof or for shade only. They can be made to any shape or size. They can be overlapping sails, or simply a large retracting awning. The most popular carport awning is a modified batten awning, which may either be freestanding, cantilevered or attached to a wall on one side. The carport style of batten awning reflects heat and U.V, and is hail proof and rainproof.

An Outrigger carport awning is designed as a demountable structure and in many instances does not require council approval.

In rural zones car ports can now have a maximum area of 50m. In addition, on a lot of land with an area greater than 300m2, a car port of 25m2 can now be built as exempt development.

Roll-up Side Screens/Outdoor Blinds:
An Outrigger roll-up side screen is a retracting awning that can be set either vertically or at an angle, with the option of being either manually or electrically operated. They can be used as privacy screens, window shades (this is the most efficient way of keeping heat out of a room) or to keep an outdoor room warm and protected from wind using clear PVC. Screens are lowered and tensioned via a crank gearbox mounted on one end of the roller if manual, or, via an electric motor mounted inside the fabric roller if motorised. Tension is applied to screens by either using a heavy weighted end batten, or, by connecting the end batten with stainless steel tension fittings, to the ground or a handrail for example. As with retracting awnings, side screens are designed to withstand winds of up to 100km/p.

Standard Awning:
An Outrigger Standard Awning is a fabric panel that is tensioned with an end batten along either side. It resembles a retracting awning in appearance but has no roller so the fabric cannot be retracted. Typically, a standard awning will be installed over a deck or existing frame or pergola. One edge will be attached along the house and the adjacent edge will be tensioned by two or more freestanding poles, or, to the frame or pergola that it may be covering. Standard awnings can be designed to fit irregular shapes but suit rectangular areas. They can be manufactured to all sizes up to approx. 7m x 7m.

Fixed awnings:
A fixed awning is designed to be left up permanently. Batten awnings, Sails, Pergola awnings and Standard awnings are generally fixed. A typical fixed awning will be designed to withstand winds to 140 km/h (awnings can be designed to withstand winds to 200 km/h if required), and the fabric will be double or triple stitched with 5 to 7 reinforcing layers around the outer edge. A fixed awning can be taken down, however tools will be required and it will take approximately an hour for each awning.

De-mountable awnings:
A de-mountable awning or sail is designed and installed with fittings to facilitate quick set up and take down of the awning. All types of awning can be designed to be de-mountable although batten awnings are not easily disassembled and re-erected without damaging the fabric. Generally sails are the easiest type to de-mount. Using rope tension systems inside the poles, a sail can be taken down and re-installed in a matter of minutes